
Agile Recruitment

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Agile Recruitment Products (6)


Candidate Sourcing


HR Outsourcing (HRO) / Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)


Recruiting / Talent Acquisition


Recruiting Firm


HR Consulting


Human Resources

Product Description

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15 Specific Questions Specific Questions tooltip


Product Features


AI-powered search filters (e.g., resumes and candidates are searchable using criteria such as current or past employers, skills and/or qualifications, commute radius, keywords, diversity, industry expertise and by internal recruitment stage, etc.)


Candidate profiles with data on candidate€™s job availability scores, average market values, etc.


Systematic applicant evaluation (based on employer criteria)


Distinction between external and internal candidates


Referral program from internal employees


Email reminders, tracking, notes

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Product Features


AI-powered search filters (e.g., resumes and candidates are searchable using criteria such as current or past employers, skills and/or qualifications, commute radius, keywords, diversity, industry expertise and by internal recruitment stage, etc.)


Candidate profiles with data on candidate€™s job availability scores, average market values, etc.


Systematic applicant evaluation (based on employer criteria)


Distinction between external and internal candidates


Referral program from internal employees


Email reminders, tracking, notes


Employers allowed to define open fields in job postings (e.g., requisition number, status, salary range, full or part-time indicator)


Ability to assign multiple recruiters per requisition


Functionality to attach notes and documents to a candidate's record


Segregation of duties within workflow (designated according to user role €“ recruiter, hiring manager, administrator, etc.)


Resume retention and storage (organized by category, job title, or other criteria)


Duplicate controls to prevent candidates from applying more than once


Facilitation of interactions between recruiters/interviewers and candidates (e.g., calls, emails, meetings, interviews, tasks management, activities calendar, activity reminders)


Job posting tools integrated with social media platforms (e.g., LinkedIn) and/or internal company pages


Recruitment campaign analytics (displaying labor market trends and recruitment initiative performance)

Agile Recruitment Info



Funding Summary:

Not Provided





We are based in Amsterdam and we deliver international recruitment services. Our network mainly consists of IT professionals but we have succesfully sourced HR and support candidates.

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