
BeneCard PBF

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BeneCard PBF Products (1)


Pharmacy Benefit Advisor

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28000 Spanish Wells Boulevard, Bonita Springs, FL 34135, US



BeneCard PBF provides self-funded prescription benefit program administration with a personalized approach through focused, clinical expertise. Our transparent business model operates on a customized claim processing system offering unlimited capability and flexibility to respond to client needs in an evolving... Show More

About this vendor

BeneCard PBF provides self-funded prescription benefit program administration with a personalized approach through focused, clinical expertise. Our transparent business model operates on a customized claim processing system offering unlimited capability and flexibility to respond to client needs in an evolving marketplace.

Advanced clinical programs and advanced technology provide the framework to maximize the use of all data elements available. This allows BeneCard PBF to filter the information, focus on clinical opportunities and facilitate interaction between the physician, the pharmacist and the patient to effectively promote complete health care.

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