American Specialty Health Incorporated vs FitOn Health (Formerly Peerfit, Inc.)

Compare and evaluate American Specialty Health Incorporated vs FitOn Health (Formerly Peerfit, Inc.) based on data from reviews, publicly available sources, and thousands of searches run on Shortlister’s app sign up for a free account.

American Specialty Health Incorporated offers Ergonomics / Musculoskeletal, Fitness Tracking, Gym Networks to companies with 1,731,170 employees. FitOn Health (Formerly Peerfit, Inc.) offers On-demand Fitness Content, Gym Networks, Well-being Education & Content to companies with 16,000,000 employees.

The information in these side-by-side comparisons can be used to help your company make the best choice for its employees.

Product Description

American Specialty Health Incorporated


FitOn Health (Formerly Peerfit, Inc.)

FitOn Health (Formerly Peerfit, Inc.) is an online platform that connects employers and their employees to local fitness studios to... Show More

Min. Group Size

American Specialty Health Incorporated

10,000 eligible

FitOn Health (Formerly Peerfit, Inc.)

100 eligible

Lives Serviced

American Specialty Health Incorporated


FitOn Health (Formerly Peerfit, Inc.)


Product Specific Features

American Specialty Health Incorporated

Not offered

AI-platform for MSK

Not offered

MSK support specialists

Not offered

Individualized treatment plans

Not offered

Clinical care in-house

Not offered

Clinical care by contractors   

Not offered

Authorized clinicians' access  

Not offered

Upload scans

Not offered

Computerized diagnosis

Not offered

Correct exercise posture

Not offered

MSK mobile app

Not offered

Immediate pain relief

Not offered

Digital program for pre-surgery patients

Not offered

Medical claims analysis

FitOn Health (Formerly Peerfit, Inc.)


American Specialty Health Incorporated

Not offered

iOS Native Application


Responsive Design


NCQA Accredited / Certified


URAC Accredited


3rd Party Integrations

FitOn Health (Formerly Peerfit, Inc.)


Global Capabilities


iOS Native Application


Android Native Application


Responsive Design

Not offered

GDPR Compliant


SSAE 18 / SOC Audit(s) Performed


3rd Party Integrations

Official Resources

American Specialty Health Incorporated

FitOn Health (Formerly Peerfit, Inc.)


American Specialty Health Incorporated

FitOn Health (Formerly Peerfit, Inc.)


American Specialty Health Incorporated

American Specialty Health Management is a trademark of American Specialty Health Incorporated and is licensed by the Wellness Research Institute... Show More

FitOn Health (Formerly Peerfit, Inc.)

FitOn Health is the leading enterprise health and wellness platform. We provide whole-health solutions such as condition-management courses, and instant... Show More


American Specialty Health Incorporated


FitOn Health (Formerly Peerfit, Inc.)



American Specialty Health Incorporated

San Diego, CA

FitOn Health (Formerly Peerfit, Inc.)

United States


American Specialty Health Incorporated


FitOn Health (Formerly Peerfit, Inc.)


Funding Summary

American Specialty Health Incorporated

Not Provided

FitOn Health (Formerly Peerfit, Inc.)

Not Provided



American Specialty Health Incorporated



American Specialty Health Incorporated

3.7 (11)

FitOn Health (Formerly Peerfit, Inc.)

0.0 (0)


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