apree health (Castlight + Vera) vs Asset Health, Inc.

Compare and evaluate apree health (Castlight + Vera) vs Asset Health, Inc. based on data from reviews, publicly available sources, and thousands of searches run on Shortlister’s app sign up for a free account.

apree health (Castlight + Vera) offers Benefits Navigation Platform, Advanced Primary Care Services, Healthcare Transparency Solutions to companies with 9,000,000 employees. Asset Health, Inc. offers Wellness Platform, Health Risk Assessment, Health Coaching to companies with 750,000 employees.

The information in these side-by-side comparisons can be used to help your company make the best choice for its employees.

Product Description

apree health (Castlight + Vera)

For over a decade, Castlight has developed high-touch services and digital technologies to help people move through the complex healthcare... Show More

Asset Health, Inc.


Min. Group Size

apree health (Castlight + Vera)

500 eligible

Asset Health, Inc.

100 eligible

Lives Serviced

apree health (Castlight + Vera)


Asset Health, Inc.


Product Specific Features

apree health (Castlight + Vera)


Intuitive navigation


Cost comparing tool


Expert support - Pharmacy


Expert support - Behavioral


Expert support - Dental health


Expert support - Billing


Health plan informational materials


Activity tracking tool


Healthy habits tool


Health challenges


Scheduling assistance


Billing disputes


Coordination care team


Engagement surveys


Direct messaging

Asset Health, Inc.


apree health (Castlight + Vera)


Global Capabilities


iOS Native Application


Android Native Application


Responsive Design


GDPR Compliant


SSAE 18 / SOC Audit(s) Performed


NCQA Accredited / Certified

Not offered

URAC Accredited


3rd Party Integrations

Asset Health, Inc.


Global Capabilities


iOS Native Application


Android Native Application


Responsive Design


GDPR Compliant


SSAE 18 / SOC Audit(s) Performed


NCQA Accredited / Certified


3rd Party Integrations

Official Resources

apree health (Castlight + Vera)

Asset Health, Inc.


apree health (Castlight + Vera)

Asset Health, Inc.


apree health (Castlight + Vera)

apree health’s proven solutions—apree Digital, apree Whole Health, and apree Total Outcomes—are built on a robust data foundation that provides... Show More

Asset Health, Inc.

Asset Health is a results-focused, fully integrated, end-to-end, health and wellness service and technology management solution centered on the best... Show More


apree health (Castlight + Vera)


Asset Health, Inc.



apree health (Castlight + Vera)

Seattle, WA

Asset Health, Inc.

Troy, Michigan


apree health (Castlight + Vera)


Asset Health, Inc.


Funding Summary

apree health (Castlight + Vera)

Not Provided

Asset Health, Inc.

Not Provided



apree health (Castlight + Vera)



apree health (Castlight + Vera)

0.0 (0)

Asset Health, Inc.

4.3 (46)


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