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elium Products (2)


Employee Collaboration Platform


Learning Management

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elium Media

elium video/presentation/materials Play
elium video/presentation/materials Play
elium video/presentation/materials Play

elium Info



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Rue Emile Francqui 1, Mont-Saint-Guibert, Brabant wallon 1435, BE



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Elium’s mission is to help organisations make a difference by empowering their people with a knowledge-centric workplace. Our unique platform replaces traditional intranets by enabling users to easily access, share, interact, organise, distribute and easily reuse valuable assets and experiences... Show More

About this vendor

Elium’s mission is to help organisations make a difference by empowering their people with a knowledge-centric workplace. Our unique platform replaces traditional intranets by enabling users to easily access, share, interact, organise, distribute and easily reuse valuable assets and experiences such as key market insights and good practices shared by their colleagues.

Elium’s founders started our exciting adventure by building our product around the core values of sharing and collaboration. They were driven by the love of beautifully simple technology and by the will to constantly raise the bar.

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