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Everflex Products (1)


Ergonomics / Musculoskeletal

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Everflex Info



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San Luis Obispo, CA



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Our team started in 1999 with our founder’s simple vision that we could do more in the physical therapy space together than we could as individuals. Since 1999, when our founder Jim Glinn bought a single physical therapy clinic in... Show More

About this vendor

Our team started in 1999 with our founder’s simple vision that we could do more in the physical therapy space together than we could as individuals. Since 1999, when our founder Jim Glinn bought a single physical therapy clinic in San Luis Obispo, CA, our team has grown to 25 clinic locations run by almost 400 team members in California, Arizona and North Carolina. In order more concretely demonstrate Jim’s initial vision of team, we became an employee owned company in 2015 in the form of an ESOP. Currently 55% of the company is owned by employees and we plan to work toward 100% over the coming 5-10 years. The ESOP has allowed us to truly be in the driver’s seat related to the direction of our company.

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