Fiscal Fitness Clubs provides a Financial Wellness program that goes beyond financial education to financial action. We combine education, coaching and peer support in fun ways to help employees take control of their finances so they get what they really want from their money.
The curriculum, designed by an Associate Professor of Financial Planning, breaks financial planning and management into easy to manage action steps. We provide all the tools and resources needed to make financial management practical and achievable by every employee. Sessions are offered through virtual conferences during the day, weekends and evenings and spouses/partners are automatically included in membership. Spanish speaking coaches are available.
Coaches help employees stay on task and avoid getting stuck by lack of support. Peer support brings fun and a can-do attitude to solving financial problems. The challenges help keep employees on task. We see ourselves as “the weight watchers of money.”
Through an initial assessment and tracking of key financial indicators, we track and share consolidated employee progress and financial stress reduction. Because we accept the fiduciary standard in ALL of our interactions and are fee only, you can be sure that it is not a program designed to “sell” other services.