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Fitbug Info



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London, UK and Chicago, IL



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Fitbug is “your online personal health & wellbeing coach”, a service which brings together cutting edge wearables technology with online support. We provide a realistic wellness solution for people who want to lead healthier, fitter and happier lives, but who... Show More

About this vendor

Fitbug is “your online personal health & wellbeing coach”, a service which brings together cutting edge wearables technology with online support. We provide a realistic wellness solution for people who want to lead healthier, fitter and happier lives, but who don't have the time, energy or motivation to “exercise”.

Employed in B2B scenarios, Fitbug has helped people from all walks of life achieve goals which they had previously only dreamt of. Weight loss, improved health, enhanced fitness, better sleep, condition management…are all part of the proven ‘Fitbug Effect’. Fitbug encourages gradual lifestyle changes rather than fad diets or grueling exercise regimes… all through making realistic lifestyle changes that can be fit into your daily schedule.

Members receive a smart little gadget which they keep with them during the day. Their 'Bug' accurately records every step and minute of activity, calories burned, distance covered and more. Achievements are sent to (via your smartphone, tablet, PC or Mac), allowing Fitbug to design a personalized plan for each user– “KiK”. Fitbug sends weekly activity and nutrition targets based on achievements and keeps users motivated with the occasional nudge or pat-on-the-back (via email and SMS) to help keep them on track.

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