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Geico Products (1)


Identity Theft Plan

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5260 Western Avenue, Chevy Chase, MD 20815, US



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Want to find out just how many customers we serve? Interested in seeing proof of GEICO's financial strength? Just want to know what the heck GEICO stands for? You've come to the right place. Peruse the facts and figures here... Show More

About this vendor

Want to find out just how many customers we serve? Interested in seeing proof of GEICO's financial strength? Just want to know what the heck GEICO stands for? You've come to the right place. Peruse the facts and figures here to find out everything you've ever wanted to know about GEICO corporate operations.

What does GEICO stand for?
Government Employees Insurance Company. Puzzled, are you? Well, the name goes back to the beginnings of the company. Founder Leo Goodwin first targeted a customer base of U.S. government employees and military personnel. Today, of course, the company has grown to provide insurance to a wide range of customers, whether they're employed by Uncle Sam or the private sector.

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