
IT Svit

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IT Svit Products (1)


Data Mining

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555 Madison Avenue, New York, NY, United States 10022



IT Svit company was founded in 2005 as a provider of system configuration and Linux administration services for businesses of all sizes. 12 years later we are a system integrator with decent experience in DevOps and Big Data operations, as... Show More

About this vendor

IT Svit company was founded in 2005 as a provider of system configuration and Linux administration services for businesses of all sizes. 12 years later we are a system integrator with decent experience in DevOps and Big Data operations, as well as software development and web design. We also engage in machine learning and blockchain projects, utilizing top-notch technologies and tools to provide superior solutions to our customers’ bright ideas. We stand behind a variety of mission-critical assets that run highly-loaded projects in financial, analytics and marketing sectors.

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