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Kadalyst Products (2)


Biometric Screenings


Wellness Platform

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124 RFI Questions RFI questions

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Kadalyst Media

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Kadalyst video/presentation/materials Play

Kadalyst Info



Funding Summary:

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Portland, OR



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Kadalyst was launched from the loss of our founder's former colleague and friend, Darrell, who passed away in 2008, at age 38 due to heart failure. Darrell was the "catalyst" that sparked the need to help employers with better health... Show More

About this vendor

Kadalyst was launched from the loss of our founder's former colleague and friend, Darrell, who passed away in 2008, at age 38 due to heart failure. Darrell was the "catalyst" that sparked the need to help employers with better health engagement strategies that drive higher participation in their wellness program and focused outreach to those that need the most help before it's too late. The letter "d" (for Darrell) in our name, is a constant reminder to be the change agents in people's lives, so no employer loses an employee due to a preventable health condition.

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