
MD Revolution

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MD Revolution Products (1)


Chronic Condition / DM

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San Diego



MD Revolution’s digital health solution, RevUp, empowers people with personalized, actionable data and coaching to help them make lifestyle changes that matter. No longer do your employees and their families need to wait for the business of medicine to react... Show More

About this vendor

MD Revolution’s digital health solution, RevUp, empowers people with personalized, actionable data and coaching to help them make lifestyle changes that matter. No longer do your employees and their families need to wait for the business of medicine to react to health problems. Be proactive with tools to manage health and finally unlock the mystery of what it means to “eat right and exercise.” RevUp is a web-based software platform and iPhone app that integrates personal health and activity data from apps and wearable devices to identify patterns that can develop into chronic conditions. Users can view this information in real-time on a HIPAA compliant, personal dashboard. Since RevUp is completely digital, users from multiple geographic locations can easily participate. RevUp employs a variety of gamification techniques to maximize outcomes and keep users engaged. These include group and individual challenges, the RevUp points system, and a personalized RevUp age.

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