
Nationwide Screening Services

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Nationwide Screening Services Products (1)


Employment Screening Verification

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600 BROADHOLLOW RD, Melville, New York 11747, US



Trust us to confirm your trust in others. It is simply good business to know the true and complete background of any person or firm before you offer them employment or sign a contract. Once you’ve made a commitment, terminating... Show More

About this vendor

Trust us to confirm your trust in others. It is simply good business to know the true and complete background of any person or firm before you offer them employment or sign a contract. Once you’ve made a commitment, terminating a bad hire, or ridding yourself of a troublesome tenant or vendor, can be a difficult and costly proposition. Nationwide Screening Services is staffed by professional researchers and investigators, and we back them with the industry’s most powerful database research tools and technology. We’ve designed our services so employers and business people can automate and accelerate their vetting process. All you need to do is open a web browser, access our site, and submit their application or business information. We do the rest.

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