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OnRecruit Products (2)


Applicant Tracking System


Recruiting / Talent Acquisition

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Europalaan 100-500, building 400, 6th floor, Utrecht, 3526KS, NL



OnRecruit's customers, recruitment companies and larger employers, share OnRecruit's mission: 'Together we build and measure successful candidate journeys'​. OnRecruit's Modules: 1. Core: Track, unify and understand the entire online candidate journey (by integrating with your website, ATS, marketing automation system)... Show More

About this vendor

OnRecruit's customers, recruitment companies and larger employers, share OnRecruit's mission: 'Together we build and measure successful candidate journeys'​.

OnRecruit's Modules:
1. Core: Track, unify and understand the entire online candidate journey (by integrating with your website, ATS, marketing automation system) and thus creating a 360-degree candidate profile.
2. Recruitment (Marketing) Analytics helps you understand which channels drive quality candidates and hires/placements for which types of roles. The time spent and drop off in each stage of the off and online candidate journey. How much budget and time you should invest to reach your recruitment goals.
3. On the Move helps you understand which qualified candidates in your ATS are most likely to be open for a new role/project based on their digital behavior. Enrich candidate profiles in your ATS with this information. Automatically create tasks on candidates that you should reach out to or automatically shortlist them for relevant jobs.

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