Performyard Products (3)


Objectives and Key Results (OKR) Software


People Analytics


Performance Management

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Arlington, VA



PerformYard's performance management software provides flexible features for HR and a simple employee experience. Your HR team gets the tools they need to build out any performance management strategy and employees get a streamlined experience so they can focus on... Show More

About this vendor

PerformYard's performance management software provides flexible features for HR and a simple employee experience.

Your HR team gets the tools they need to build out any performance management strategy and employees get a streamlined experience so they can focus on quality feedback and effective performance discussions.

We believe that performance management strategy should be driven by organizational goals and employee needs, not the constraints of your software. That is why we focus on providing the most flexible performance management solution. With PerformYard you can customize the software to fit the strategy that's right for your organization - 360s, project based reviews, ratings scales, continuous feedback, cascading goals, anything.

Performance management is also about people and human connections. Performance discussions are important, and you don't want software getting in the middle, mucking things up. PerformYard provides a simple employee experience that facilitates feedback and quality conversations. It doesn't try to insert itself at every opportunity or replace important conversations.

We also provide dedicated customer success managers for every customer. From onboarding, to employee trainings, to ongoing support you'll have someone at your side who has done it before.

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