
Praktice Health

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Praktice Health Products (1)



Product Description

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49 RFI Questions RFI questions

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7 Specific Questions Specific Questions tooltip


Product Features

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Praktice Health Media

Praktice Health video/presentation/materials Praktice Health video/presentation/materials Praktice Health video/presentation/materials
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Praktice Health video/presentation/materials Play

Praktice Health Info



Funding Summary:

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Montreal, Canada



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Praktice Health is a collection of 30 day corporate wellness challenges that are designed to be a breeze for HR managers. Our app combines the latest social, mobile, gamification and health coaching so that you can easily engage your staff.... Show More

About this vendor

Praktice Health is a collection of 30 day corporate wellness challenges that are designed to be a breeze for HR managers. Our app combines the latest social, mobile, gamification and health coaching so that you can easily engage your staff. Improve health, engagement, happiness, and productivity with Praktice Health.

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