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Truveris Products (3)


PBM Vendor Evaluation, Contracting & Negotiating


Pharmacy Benefit Advisor


Pharmacy Benefit Provider

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2 Park Ave New York, US



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Truveris helps drive transparency, affordability, and access across the pharmacy supply chain – a black box that is increasingly difficult to manage. With Truveris, payers, brokers, and manufacturers find confidence in a transformative strategy that can help navigate the complexities... Show More

About this vendor

Truveris helps drive transparency, affordability, and access across the pharmacy supply chain – a black box that is increasingly difficult to manage. With Truveris, payers, brokers, and manufacturers find confidence in a transformative strategy that can help navigate the complexities of pharmacy. Our people, process, and platform provide specific, unique and actionable insights to inform decisions, reduce costs, and improve access. Our single mission: to make prescription drugs more affordable and accessible through transparency so people can live healthier lives.

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