
UNA Rx Card

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UNA Rx Card Products (1)


Pharmacy Benefit Advisor

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UNA Rx Card is a highly innovative pharmacy benefits manager (PBM) that provides consumers with proprietary prescription drug benefit program solutions. These programs are delivered through retail pharmacies, health insurance companies, employer groups, unions, associations, and other PBMs. UNA Rx... Show More

About this vendor

UNA Rx Card is a highly innovative pharmacy benefits manager (PBM) that provides consumers with proprietary prescription drug benefit program solutions. These programs are delivered through retail pharmacies, health insurance companies, employer groups, unions, associations, and other PBMs. UNA Rx Card pioneered the development of unfunded prescription drug programs. The UNA Rx Card pharmacy network is in all 50 U.S. States, U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and Guam. UNA Rx Card programs allow Plan Sponsors to differentiate themselves by presenting their members with a meaningful prescription drug benefit. UNA Rx Card is a division of United Networks of America (UNA). UNA has more than 240,000 participating Providers serving more than 120.1 million members. In 2015 we saved our members an estimated $1.58 Billion dollars.

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