Multiplier Products (2)




Professional Employer Organization (PEO)

Product Description

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200 eligible

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Product Features


Automatic payroll audit controls and support (to ensure compliance with employment laws, verify tax withholdings, spot human errors, and prevent payroll fraud)


Multiple pay variables (overtime, regular, bonus) combined into one W-2 and 1099 per employee


Multiple pay variables combined into one payment per employee (e.g., employees can receive an annual bonus in the same paystub as a normally scheduled paycheck)


Gross-up calculations (i.e., money added to a payment to cover the income taxes the recipient will owe)


Multiple pay cycle options available (weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, monthly, etc.)


Multi-state payroll processing

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Product Features


Automatic payroll audit controls and support (to ensure compliance with employment laws, verify tax withholdings, spot human errors, and prevent payroll fraud)


Multiple pay variables (overtime, regular, bonus) combined into one W-2 and 1099 per employee


Multiple pay variables combined into one payment per employee (e.g., employees can receive an annual bonus in the same paystub as a normally scheduled paycheck)


Gross-up calculations (i.e., money added to a payment to cover the income taxes the recipient will owe)


Multiple pay cycle options available (weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, monthly, etc.)


Multi-state payroll processing


Multi-country payroll processing

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Multiplier Info



Funding Summary:

60M Series B





Multiplier is a leading SaaS-based platform with both Employer of Record (EOR) and Professional Employer Organization (PEO) capabilities. As a PEO, Multiplier manages full-time employees, freelancers, and independent contractors in partnership with businesses where they have their own entities. It... Show More

About this vendor

Multiplier is a leading SaaS-based platform with both Employer of Record (EOR) and Professional Employer Organization (PEO) capabilities. As a PEO, Multiplier manages full-time employees, freelancers, and independent contractors in partnership with businesses where they have their own entities.

It can handle several crucial HR tasks, including managing timesheets, reporting expenses, managing leave requests, and managing payroll and benefits. As an employer, you are in control of managing your employees' vital information and requests; we assist you in compliant payroll, benefits, and expenses of your global workforce.

Multiplier can help you thrive in new global markets hassle-free. With Multiplier, you -

1. Quickly expand into new markets with Multiplier 90% faster
2. Manage local entity payroll and foreign hires (through our entity)
3. Generate compliant contracts
4. Make payments in 120+ currencies
5. Run 100% accurate multi-country payroll
6. Keep abreast of evolving municipal and labor law requirements and local compliance issues.
7. Pay a transparent price without unpleasant surprises

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