Buyer Intent Data for Sales

Focus on In-Market Prospects.

Buyer Intent data is an essential first step that allows your organization to focus it’s time and energy on companies that are currently in-market for the products you offer, without wasting time and resources trying to engage those that aren’t. 

Intel to Customize Your Pitch.

Far too often Sales teams try to close new business without enough intel on whether the prospect is currently in-market for the products they offer, and if they are, which competitors the prospect is also considering. 

B2B buyers are doing more of their research online than ever before, without talking to a sales rep. On average, B2B buyers are 60%-70% of the way through the decision-making process before they speak to a salesperson.

(CSO Insights – 2018 Buyer Preferences Study)

Track Your Competitors.

Beyond highlighting the in-market buyers you should focus your effort on, Shortlister’s Buyer Intent tool also allows you to choose the specific competitors you’d like to track

When an organization researches one of those competitors or compares you to them on Shortlister’s public website, you’ll receive insights on exactly which competitor(s) that prospect is considering! 

Know Your Competition.

Let’s face it, you know the prospect isn’t only considering your organization, but you typically don’t know how many others or who else they’re talking to

With Shortlister’s Buyer Intent data, you’ll be able to see any other competitors the prospect has researched on Shortlister’s public website. 

Your Secret Weapon.

Insight into who you’re competing against is a secret weapon for good Sales teams.  Imagine going into the finalist presentation or demo phase, with a strong understanding of exactly who you’re up against.

If you can customize your presentations to tactfully highlight what differentiates you from your competition, you’re going to increase your win rates. 

Shortlister’s Buyer Intent tool will help your organization understand:

Which employers are currently in-market for the products I offer?

Have they viewed my Profile and are therefore familiar with my organization?

Have they researched any of my competitors, and if so, who?

Are there other competing products that may distract the buying group’s attention or budget?

Are any of our current clients researching our competitors or the products we offer?

Laser Focus Your Efforts.

The answers to these questions allow effective Sales teams to laser-focus their efforts on the organizations they have the highest probability of converting into new clients, while increasing win-rates by providing the insights needed to customize presentations and differentiate yourself from your competition.  

We’d love to learn more about what you’re doing today and how Intent data can accelerate your process.