Compare Workplace Flu Vaccine Providers Vendors

Compare the best Workplace Flu Vaccine Providers in Q4 2024 Analyze features, reviews, clients, employee counts and more for 48 Workplace Flu Vaccine Providers. Sign up for a free account to unlock pricing and customer information, and to get custom Match Scores to find the best fit for your company.

Product Description

Health Advocate

The Health Advocate Onsite Vaccination Program is a turnkey service that sends licensed professionals directly to businesses. The program offers... Show More

Labcorp Employer Services, Inc.

Labcorp offers quadrivalent vaccines, which protects against four strains of flu and are the current industry standard.

... Show More

Min. Group Size

Health Advocate

100 eligible

Labcorp Employer Services, Inc.


Lives Serviced

Health Advocate


Labcorp Employer Services, Inc.


Product Specific Features

Health Advocate

Labcorp Employer Services, Inc.


Health Advocate


Global Capabilities


iOS Native Application


Android Native Application


Responsive Design

Not offered

GDPR Compliant


SSAE 18 / SOC Audit(s) Performed


NCQA Accredited / Certified


URAC Accredited


3rd Party Integrations

Labcorp Employer Services, Inc.

Not offered

Global Capabilities

Not offered

iOS Native Application

Not offered

Android Native Application


Responsive Design


SSAE 18 / SOC Audit(s) Performed


NCQA Accredited / Certified


3rd Party Integrations

Official Resources

Health Advocate

Labcorp Employer Services, Inc.


Health Advocate

Labcorp Employer Services, Inc.


Health Advocate

We all know the healthcare system and insurance are incredibly difficult to navigate. It’s hard to understand, time-consuming, and expensive.... Show More

Labcorp Employer Services, Inc.

Labcorp's mission is to improve health and improve lives. For employers, we offer a range of services designed to keep... Show More


Health Advocate


Labcorp Employer Services, Inc.



Health Advocate

Plymouth Meeting, PA

Labcorp Employer Services, Inc.

Columbia, MD


Health Advocate


Labcorp Employer Services, Inc.


Funding Summary

Health Advocate


Labcorp Employer Services, Inc.

Not Provided



Health Advocate

3.7 (21)

Labcorp Employer Services, Inc.

3.7 (13)


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