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40+ Men’s Health Statistics in 2024

These vital men's health statistics depict the importance of addressing men's health issues and promoting holistic approaches to men's healthcare.
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As June is National Men’s Health Month, we focus on male health issues and how they can address both physical and psychological problems to take charge of their health. 

Various data points show that men are four times more likely to commit suicide compared to women, live on average five years less than women, are more prone to cardiovascular diseases, and yet are half as likely as women to go to the doctor.

That’s a clear indication that even though the months representing awareness of certain mental health concerns are great reminders to care for our health, what’s more important is maintaining this type of self-care throughout the year. 

Thus, understanding the state of men’s health is crucial for identifying and addressing their unique challenges. Therefore, we’ll delve into key men’s health statistics to shed light on prevalent conditions, risk factors, and trends.

General Health & Disease

  • 13.8% of men ages 18 and older are in fair or poor health. (CDC, 2022)
  • 55% percent of men report not receiving regular health screenings. This issue is more common among men of color (63%), as well as the 53% of white men not getting regular checkups. (Cleveland Clinic, 2022)
  • In the same research, most men reported not being familiar with their family health history regarding urological issues (77%) and cancers (64%). (Cleveland Clinic, 2022)
  • Workplace fatalities are predominantly male, accounting for 92%. (Bureau of Labor, 2022)
  • Access to healthcare, which encompasses preventive services and management of chronic diseases, influences men’s health. However, 11.5% of males under the age of 65 do not have health insurance coverage. (CDC, 2022)
  • Lifestyle and behavioral factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and drug use also significantly affect men’s health. Yet, 13.2% of men ages 18 and older are actively smoking cigarettes. (CDC, 2022)
  • Men tend to drink more than women, with nearly 58% of men and 49% of women reporting alcohol consumption in the past month. Men are also more likely to binge drink, with 21% of men compared to 13% of women engaging in this behavior. In 2020, 13% of men had an alcohol use disorder versus 9% of women. (CDC, 2022)
  • Men experience higher rates of alcohol-related harm, including hospitalizations and deaths, with nearly 120,000 deaths annually attributed to excessive drinking. (CDC, 2022)
  • Men are more likely to be involved in fatal traffic accidents and face increased risks of aggression, violence, and certain cancers due to alcohol use. (CDC, 2022)
  • Additionally, excessive alcohol consumption can negatively impact men’s sexual and reproductive health, leading to erectile dysfunction, infertility, and risky sexual behaviors. (CDC, 2022)
  • Over a third of men (34.1%) and over a quarter of women (27.5%) are classified as overweight. The proportion of overweight men (34.1%) exceeds that of overweight women (27.5%). (NIDDK, 2018)
  • In 2020, 28.3% of US men ages 18 and older adhered to the recommended guidelines for aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercises. (CDC, 2020)

Men's Mental Health & Suicide Rates

  • In 2022, 15.1% of men ages 21 to 25 reported experiencing a major depressive episode within the past year. (Statista, 2022)
  • In 2021, among adults with serious mental health illnesses, fewer men received mental health treatment (61.3%) than females experiencing SMI (67.6%). (NIMH, 2021)
  • Suicide rates have been particularly concerning, with white males, accounting for approximately 68.46% of suicide deaths in 2022. This means that in 2022, the suicide rate for men was 3.85 times higher than that for women. (AFSP, 2022)
  • Firearms were involved in about 54.64% of all suicide deaths. (AFSP, 2022)
  • Between 2001 and 2021, the overall suicide rates for men were 3 to 4.5 times greater than those for women. (USA Facts, 2023)
  • In 2021, suicide rates were highest among American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) males, reaching 41.3 suicides per 100,000, followed by white men (35.7 suicides per 100,000). (USA Facts, 2023)
  • The suicide rates are higher in rural areas in comparison to metropolitan areas (20.2 vs. 13.6 per 100,000) (, 2023)

Men's Most Common Health Conditions & Cancer Rates

  • 50.5% of US men ages 18 and older have hypertension. (CDC, 2020)
  • The US Preventive Services Task Force recommends men ages 18 to 39 have their blood pressure checked at least once every 3 to 5 years. (MedlinePlus, 2023)
  • Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for men in the US. The men most at risk have one or more of these contributing factors: high blood pressure and cholesterol, obesity, poor nutrition, diabetes, and excessive alcohol use. (CDC, 2020)
  • The following two leading causes of death for men are cancers and accidents or unintentional injuries. (CDC, 2022)
  • In 2021, 17.3% of men in the US died from cancer, the second-leading cause of death for both sexes. (CDC, 2021)
  • Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men globally. In 2020, there were more than 1.4 million new cases of prostate cancer worldwide. (WCRF International)
  • Annually, more than 700,000 men receive a cancer diagnosis, with nearly 300,000 succumbing to the disease. Over a lifetime, 50% of men and 33% of women will be diagnosed with cancer at least once. Although cancer can affect individuals of any age, the majority of cases occur in those ages 55 and older. (Men’s Health Resource Center)
  • In the United States, prostate cancer ranks as the most prevalent cancer among men, followed by lung cancer and colorectal cancer. The fourth most common type of cancer varies by race: for Caucasian men, it is bladder cancer; for African American men, it is oral and pharyngeal cancer; for American Indian and Alaska Native men, as well as Hispanic men, it is kidney/renal cancer; and for Asian/Pacific Islander men, it is stomach cancer. (Men’s Health Resource Center)
  • Smoking accounts for at least one-third of all cancer deaths, while poor diet and/or physical inactivity may contribute to another third. Early detection and risk reduction are crucial strategies in the fight against cancer. (Men’s Health Resource Center)
  • Although testicular cancer can develop at any age, it is most commonly diagnosed in males between the ages of 20 and 44. (CDC, 2020)
  • Between 2017 and 2020, the estimated crude prevalence of diagnosed diabetes, undiagnosed diabetes, and total diabetes among men ages 18 years or older in the United States was 15.4%. (CDC, 2020)
  • At the age of 45, men have a lifetime risk for Alzheimer’s of 1 in 10. For comparison, this risk in women is 1 in 5. (Alzheimer’s Association, 2024)
  • Melanoma will impact one in 27 men and one in 40 women during their lifetimes. Additionally, research indicates that men are at a higher risk of mortality from melanoma. (AAD, 2022)
  • According to the National Cancer Institute, prostate cancer ranks as the most prevalent cancer and the second leading cause of cancer-related mortality among men in the United States. (National Cancer Institute)
  • Approximately 1 in 8 men will receive a prostate cancer diagnosis at some point in their lives. However, the risk of prostate cancer varies among individuals based on factors such as age, race/ethnicity, and other variables. (American Cancer Society, 2024)
  • Prostate cancer predominantly affects older men, with about 6 out of 10 cases occurring in those ages 65 and above, while occurrences in men under 40 are rare. On average, men are typically diagnosed with prostate cancer around the age of 67. (American Cancer Society, 2024)

Men's Sexual & Reproductive Health

  •  Of the reported cases of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) in the United States in 2021, women account for more chlamydia issues (1,053,246) than men (587,473). In other instances, men have higher rates of STDs, such as gonorrhea (men 410,388 – women 298,015) and primary syphilis (men 17,759 – women 4,394). (Statista, 2021)
  • As they age, 32% of men express concerns regarding their sexual health, with 44% explicitly mentioning erectile dysfunction as their primary issue. (Cleveland Clinic, 2022)
  • Half of men hold the misconception that low testosterone is the primary cause of erectile dysfunction. Moreover, 71% of men who have encountered sexual health challenges have also received diagnoses of cardiovascular disease or diabetes. (Cleveland Clinic, 2022)
  • Regarding sexual health concerns, men express worry about various issues as they age, with the primary concerns being erectile dysfunction (44%), loss of sex drive (39%), and low testosterone (36%). (Cleveland Clinic, 2022)
  • Male reproductive issues account for over one-third of infertility cases. (NICHD)
  • The primary causes of male infertility often involve issues impacting testicular function, hormone imbalances, or blockages within the male reproductive system. Approximately half of male infertility cases remain of unknown origin. (NICHD)
  • Around 10-15% of infertile men experience a complete absence of sperm. This can result from hormone imbalances or obstructions that impede sperm movement. (NICHD)
  • Infections from STDs can lead to infertility in both men and women, and certain STDs may elevate the risk of certain cancers. Therefore, using contraception carefully, consistently, and correctly is essential. Contraceptive options for men include male condoms and sterilization procedures such as vasectomy. (NICHD)


These vital men’s health statistics depict the importance of addressing men’s health issues and promoting holistic approaches to men’s healthcare. 

Frequent screenings, managing a healthy body through a healthy diet and regular exercise, lowering stress levels, and addressing mental health issues all aim to prioritize men’s health and improve health outcomes.

While men themselves are responsible for their health decisions, supportive workforces that provide male employees with men’s health programs are crucial for fostering a culture of wellness and encouraging proactive men’s health management.

Written by tanja todorovska malakjan

SEO Manager at Shortlister

Men's Health

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