YuMuuv Products (5)


Corporate Challenges


Health Challenges


Walking Program




Fitness Tracking

Product Description

YuMuuv is an innovative corporate fitness platform that offers a range of features and programs designed to help employees stay active and engaged in physical activity. The platform provides personalized fitness plans, daily workouts, and nutrition guidance to help employees improve their health and fitness.<br /> <br /> YuMuuv's corporate... Show More

About this product

YuMuuv is an innovative corporate fitness platform that offers a range of features and programs designed to help employees stay active and engaged in physical activity. The platform provides personalized fitness plans, daily workouts, and nutrition guidance to help employees improve their health and fitness.

YuMuuv's corporate fitness challenges are a fun and effective way for companies to encourage employees to engage in physical activity and improve their overall health and wellbeing. The platform includes a variety of challenges and competitions, such as step challenges, team challenges, and wellness challenges, to keep employees motivated and engaged.

With its integrated leaderboard and social features, YuMuuv encourages friendly competition and teamwork among employees, helping to foster a culture of health and wellness in the workplace. The platform is designed to be easy to use, with a simple interface and intuitive features that make it easy for employees to track their progress and achieve their fitness goals.

Overall, YuMuuv is a valuable tool for companies looking to promote a healthy and active lifestyle among their employees. With its comprehensive features, personalized approach, and engaging challenges, YuMuuv provides a convenient and effective way for employees to improve their fitness and wellbeing.

Min. Group Size

20 eligible

Lives Serviced


Average Cost

Average Cost is Locked

49 RFI Questions RFI questions

RFI questions number is Locked

7 Specific Questions Specific Questions tooltip


Product Features


Built-in challenges and games


Client customization of challenges    


Wellbeing application   


Wellbeing tool   


Tracking tool 


Built-in challenges and games

Show All Features

Product Features


Built-in challenges and games


Client customization of challenges    


Wellbeing application   


Wellbeing tool   


Tracking tool 


Built-in challenges and games


Client customization of challenges    


Wellbeing application   


Wellbeing tool   


Tracking tool 

YuMuuv Media

YuMuuv video/presentation/materials YuMuuv video/presentation/materials YuMuuv video/presentation/materials YuMuuv video/presentation/materials YuMuuv video/presentation/materials

YuMuuv Info



Funding Summary:

550K Angel Round


Tallinn, Estonia



YuMuuv offers HR and corporate leaders a wellness challenge app for engaging and motivating their employees. Combining ease of use, cost-effective pricing and subscription plans that are built according to to their employee needs. With YuMuuv Smart you get a... Show More

About this vendor

YuMuuv offers HR and corporate leaders a wellness challenge app for engaging and motivating their employees. Combining ease of use, cost-effective pricing and subscription plans that are built according to to their employee needs.

With YuMuuv Smart you get a personalized success manager with up to weekly meetings and custom-made monthly reports, helping you to engage your employees and improve their wellness continuously on an ever-increasing higher level by implementing new learnings.

The app is available in all major languages (32+) and offers the right tools for organizing global wellness challenges that cross borders and cultures or for offering continuous range of challenges for a remote/hybrid workforce.

YuMuuv Clients

YuMuuv Reviews

4.7 (3)

Star Featured Review

Iva Pugar

December 5, 2022
Using Yumuuv app for my team was overall pretty enjoyable experience. It helped my team stay motivated and be healthier version of themselves and I think that is the best you can do. Of course there was some technical difficulties so that is why my score isn't the highest.
Star Featured Review

Kaspar Kasepõld

December 1, 2022
We are really satisfied with Yumuuv. Firstly because our team engagement to sport increased since we joined Yumuuv. Secondly our team sports director Mikk makes a summary of results, which is like a newsletter that you can´t wait to arrive.
Star Featured Review

Joonas Hansen

November 30, 2022
When our employees join public challenges then the top 100 could and should still show only our company position. Right now in some cases it doesn't.

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