Workforce Technology

Types of HR Software and Systems

Gain insights into the diverse landscape of HR software and systems, exploring the solutions that streamline personnel management and enhance organizational efficiency.
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The use of AI and a data-driven approach has made employee management less time consuming, more organized, and efficient on all levels within the company. Organizations choose to use these HR software systems to optimize various processes in their company. First and foremost, it is important to understand between the different categories of HR software and how they may benefit the organization. Through the use of one or more of these software applications in unison, companies can gain an edge in the ever-innovative and competitive corporate landscape.

Absence management software

Absence management software system is used to manage and track employee’s absences, including vacation, sick leave, holidays, etc. Employees can easily submit for any type of absence, and employers can easily track the number of those leaves, so the software can quickly calculate the number of leftover leaves.

ACA (Affordable Care Act) Reporting Software

ACA Reporting Services

Affordable Care Act reporting software provides reports and fillings to ensure ACA compliance. ACA reporting software also helps gather data needed for ACA reporting to the IRS.  

ACA Tracking

Tracking part-time and variable hour employees is important when determining whether the employee is eligible for insurance under ACA regulation. Not doing so puts the employer at risk for penalties for failing to comply with the ACA.

Benefits Administration Solution Companies

Benefits Decision Support helps educate employees on how to best use their benefits. Through the help of videos and interactive education, it gives easy to understand plan recommendations as well as cost estimates.

Benefits Decision Support

Benefits Decision Support helps educate employees on how to best use their benefits. Through the help of videos and interactive education, it gives easy to understand plan recommendations as well as cost estimates.

Collaboration Tools for Business

A collaborative project management software can help maximize team performance and promote productivity. This software has a wide range of features that makes communication effortless and seamless.

Compensation Management Software

Compensation management software simplifies the allocation and calculation of employees’ salaries, bonuses, and compensations. Organizations use this compensation management software to control, review, and plan the compensations of employees.

Employee Engagement Software

Employee engagement software enriches the employee experience and, with the right development tools, promotes productivity, communication, and business agility. Users can learn more about themselves and how well they perform, as well as gain insight into their projects and goals. Engagement software enables large enterprises to effortlessly communicate and work together. It also can provide valuable employee feedback and insight.

Employee Engagement Survey Software

Employee survey software gather meaningful data on employee experiences. With AI, these software platforms can effectively measure and predict how to save time, motivate workers, reduce stress, and much more. Employee surveys allow companies to take a data-driven approach to improving workforce performance.

Employee Engagement Video

Multimedia resources used to enable the increased participation of employees within the workplace. Through the use of videos, employers can make sure their employees stay engaged and informed.

Employee Schedule Maker

Gone are the days of manual pen–and–paper scheduling. Nowadays employees can have one system where they can be notified of their schedule, and of any changes or important meetings. Employee schedule making software allows for smooth scheduling of shifts, time off, and other planning tools.

HRIS Systems

Human Resource Information Systems, or better known as HRIS consists of the core features that a company needs. That is payroll, time and attendance, and benefits. However, these systems are widely varied and can include a range of features.

HSA Administrators

Health Savings Administrators provide health saving accounts (HSAs) that help clients in preparing for the ever-changing health and financial needs in life. Lower health care costs and find the best benefit package with the use of these HSA Administrators.

Human Resource Software

HR management software is a core record of employee data to support payroll, benefits administration, and employee tracking. Human Resource software commonly includes strategic HR functions, such as talent management and recruiting.

LMS Systems

A learning management system (LMS) is a software application used for educating, training, and learning of employees. LMS systems allow the continuous improvement and professional development of employees. It directly improves employee engagement and retention.

Onboarding Software

Prior to the new hire joining the workplace an onboarding software can be used to support the initiation of communication between the new hire and their employer. It helps execute the onboarding process easily and allows the employee to integrate swiftly which in turn makes them more productive.

Additionally, the onboarding software allows the hiring manager to track the onboarding training and any paperwork required for the process.

Payroll Services

The employee’s salaries, wages, and bonuses are automated by payroll services. This software is used to manage, keep track of, and schedule payments. Managers do not need to do this process manually, therefore are freed from tracking it.

Performance Management System

Performance management system allows the tracking of a set goals within the company. This can mean the overall company mission, goals, and values. More often than not it is used to track a single employee’s performance and give feedback to align them with the company’s needs. It can be used to identify an employee’s areas for improvement as well as to implement accountability for their work.

Recruitment Software

One of the most important stages of the employee’s lifecycle is the recruitment phase. Recruitment software systems allow the screening, assessment, and evaluation of candidates more effectively. Using applicant tracking systems (ATS) companies can attract and match top talent, therefore vacant positions are filled quicker and it lowers the probability of bad hires. These systems are often integrated with video interviewing software and other candidate sourcing tools.

  • ATS Companies
  • Candidate Sourcing Tool
  • Recruiting CRM
  • Text Recruiting Platforms
  • Video Interview Software

Succession Planning

Succession Planning software enables employers to effectively implement the management of change within their organization. Through identifying and training, paired together with the continuous development of the right skills and experience, potential candidates can be ready to take over when required.

Team Communication Apps

Team Communication apps provide the platform to ease internal communication within the organization and possess various tools to share and collaborate together. This can be done regardless of location, time, and language, therefore closing the gap of working remotely and also staying engaged and productive.

Time and Attendance Software

Often referred to as a clocking system, this time and attendance software keeps track of all the employee attendance and leaves. It helps manage the employee’s hours, set their schedule, and process time-off requests.

As seen in the selection of HR software and systems above, there is a myriad of solutions that can be applied to any HR stage of an employee’s lifecycle. Through the use of this software applications and systems, employers are able to run basic operations efficiently and more productively, therefore being able to create more value within the organization.

Written by Ivana Radevska

Senior Content Writer at Shortlister

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